Briink Gallery Bio




Its all in the wrist

Briink Gallery, is a dream of mine becoming reality. Who am I you may ask?

Well, my name is Brian a self-taught artist. With several years of drawing for my own personal Zen. Living with a strong passion for exploring and experiencing this world. I want to see, enjoy, and draw inspiration from it any chance I get. Continuously evolving and working hard to develop different skills, styles, and gain more experience. Consistently striving to create and push further into making sure I have no limitations for my capabilities. Doing a single type or art, or constraints of ideas is not acceptable to me.

It brings me the most satisfaction to create art that speaks to you as an individual. Create art that may take your thoughts away into different point of views. Making it a connected experience to your mind and soul. By bringing out curiosities to light with my illustrations, my wish is to make you think about life in different ways.

As it is with all us humans, human nature makes us question everything around us. We strive to seek truth, or stick with our conspiracy theories. Whatever it is that your interested in, it is undeniable that deep space is vast and full of unknowns. We should be excited about exploring it as I try to bring it closer with my art. Not to be overshadowed by our own deep, liquid, and blue space right here on Earth. Right out in plain sight with its size, power, and yet so elegant design; the ocean is like a planet inside a planet. Yet so mysterious and unreachable with its incredible harsh depths which inspires me create even more complex art.

Yet as we commonly say, “sky is the limit”. Well, not for me, the sky is certainly not the limit when it comes to my work. With Briink Gallery I hope to bring quality, inspiration, and endowment to you by way of my art. Get it, enjoy it, display it, be proud to share the joys and complexities of life.

As many of those before me have stated:

“I never paint dreams or nightmares. I paint my own reality.” – Frida Kahlo

“Have no fear of perfection, you’ll never reach it.” – Salvador Dalí

“If you hear a voice within you say ‘you cannot paint,’ then by all means paint, and that voice will be silenced.” – Vincent van Gogh

“Every child is an artist. The problem is how to remain an artist once we grow up.” – Pablo Picasso
